Center Activities | Air and Space Law | Ole Miss
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Center Activities

Our People are Busy!

Connor Haffey and Gregory Radisic, Avoiding Conflict in Asteroid Resource Extraction

Marshall McKellar, The Plight of Valinor

Francesca Giannoni-Crystal, Legal Issues for Lunar Orbiting Satellites

Quinn McKemey and Denton Hunter, How the US Can Lead Active Debris Removal Efforts

CJ Robison, Reevaluating the Traditional Interpretation of Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty in Light of Private Industry

Jeremy Grunert, The United States Space Force and the Future of American Space Policy

MC Sungaila, The Portia Project

Steven Jarreau, Air & Space Lawyer – The Invest. of Domestic Comm. Space Accds by U.S.

Antonia Eliason, Avoiding Moonraker

Wes Faires, Presentation on off-planet property rights

 AJ Link, The Diaries of Space Explorers Season 2, Episode 1: Space Law and Human Rights 

AJ Link, Disability Rights in Space

AJ Link, Space Urban Planning

AJ Link, Cultural Heritage with Michelle Hanlon

AJ Link, Disability and Interplanetary Rights

AJ Link, An Introduction to Interplanetary Human Rights

AJ Link, Decoloniality

Bailey Cunningham, The Legal Imperative to Collaboratively Address the Plume Effect

Bailey Cunningham, Congress Must Support Reusability

Bailey Cunningham, Real Life War of Worlds

Bailey Cunningham, Spacewatch Global

Bailey Cunningham, Managing the Plume Effect

Bailey Cunningham, The For All Moonkind Moon Registry

Bailey Cunningham, Statement for the General Exchange of Views 

Bailey Cunningham, History Ignites Exploration and Innovation

Quinn McKemey, Clean Orbit