Posted at 03:00h
Welcome to the introductory trailer for Cosmic Counsel, a limited-run capsule podcast delving into cutting-edge issues in space law and ethics. Hosted by MC Sungaila and Michelle Hanlon, this series features thought-provoking conversations with leading experts from diverse disciplines. It's a podcast for those driven...
Posted at 15:48h
On New Year’s Eve 2018 the President quietly signed S. 7 into law. Single-digit bill designations are typically reserved for headline-grabbing proposals, but few took note of S. 7. The bill extended NASA’s authority to utilize a little known public-private partnership model for one year. ...
Posted at 16:57h
By Nathaniel Snyder
Why will orbital debris grow in number for the next 200 years even if no additional objects are launched into space? Does creating space junk violate international law?
The American Society for International Law (“ASIL”) recently hosted a panel discussion dedicated to all things...
Posted at 20:41h
Human space tourism? Asteroid resource utilization? Self-sustaining communities on the Moon or Mars? A Space Force? These are just a few of the issues space lawyers and policymakers have to start seriously considering. Now. And the future of aviation is only slightly less tumultuous. From...
Posted at 16:16h
You’d think six lunar landing sites 238,900 miles away from Earth wouldn’t need to be protected. Admired on a warm, summer night? Yes. Written about in poetry? Sure. But not protected. Wouldn’t the distance alone keep curious Earthlings from ever disturbing those sacrosanct stretches of...