Space Law Podcast | Air and Space Law | Ole Miss
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Space Law Podcast

Space Needs Lawyers! As part of a grant from Mississippi NASA Space Grant, we have undertaken to raise awareness of space law. For this purpose, we have created a publication which includes commentary and comments on the Outer Space Treaty (available online for free), and a three-episode podcast focused on space law, primarily for lunar activities.


Read the publication here:

Space Needs Lawyers!


Podcast Episodes:

Trailer: Introducing the Cosmic Counsel Podcast on Space Exploration, Law and Ethics – MC Sungaila and Michelle Hanlon

Episode 1: What Does it Mean for Humanity to Become Multiplanetary? – Featuring Frank White, AC Grayling and Kelly Weinersmith.

Episode 2: The Business Of Space and Protecting Cultural Heritage On The Moon – Featuring Marlène Losier and Hoyt Davidson

Episode 3: Some Indigenous Perspectives and the Role of Indigenous Traditions – Featuring Justin Ahasteen, Les Tennen and Giuliana Rotola.