Space Law Signatories | Air and Space Law | Ole Miss
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Space Law Signatories

KEY: R = Ratified, S = Signed

OST = Outer Space Treaty; ARRA = Rescue and Return Agreement; LIAB = Liability Convention;
REG = Registration Convention; MOON = Moon Agreement; ART = Artemis Accords
1967 1968 1972 1975 1979 2020
Afghanistan R
Algeria R R R
Angola S
Antigua and Barbuda R R R R
Argentina R R R R S
Armenia R R R R R S
Australia R R R R R S
Austria R R R R R S
Azerbaijan R
Bahamas R R
Bahrain R R R S
Bangladesh R
Barbados R R `
Belarus R R R R
Belgium R R R R R S
Benin R R
Bolivia S S
Bosnia and Herzegovina R R R
Botswana S R R
Brazil R R R R S
Brunei Darussalam
Bulgaria R R R R S
Burkina Faso R
Burundi S S S
Cambodia S
Cameroon S R
Canada R R R R S
Cape Verde
Central African Republic S S
Chile R R R R R S
China R R R R
Colombia R S R R S
Cook Islands
Costa Rica S S R
Cote d’Ivoire
Croatia R R R
Cuba R R R R
Cyprus R R R R S
Czechia R R R R S
Democ. People’s Republic of Korea R R R R
Democ. Republic of the Congo S S S
Denmark R R R R S
Djibouti R
Dominican Republic R S R S
Ecuador R R R S
Egypt R R S
El Salvador R R R
Equatorial Guinea
Estonia R S
Eswatini (Swaziland) R
Ethiopia S
Fiji R R R
Finland R R R R
France R R R R S S
Gabon R R
Gambia S R S
Georgia R
Germany R R R R S
Ghana S S S
Greece R R R R S
Guatemala S S
Guinea-Bissau R R
Guyana S R
Haiti S S S
Holy See S
Honduras S S
Hungary R R R R
Iceland R R S S
India R R R R S S
Indonesia R R R R
Iran S R R S
Iraq R R R
Ireland R R R
Israel R R R S
Italy R R R R S
Jamaica R S
Japan R R R R S
Jordan S S S
Kazakhstan R R R R R
Kenya R R
Kuwait R R R R R
Lao People’s Democratic Repulbic R R R
Lebanon R R R R R
Lesotho S S
Libya R R R R
Liechtenstein R R
Lithuania R R R R S
Luxembourg R S R R S
Madagascar R R
Malaysia S S
Maldives R
Mali R R
Malta R S R
Marshall Islands
Mauritius R R
Mexico R R R R R S
Monaco S
Mongolia R R R R
Montenegro R R R
Morocco R R R R R
Myanmar R S
Nepal R R S
Netherlands R R R R R S
New Zealand R R R R S
Nicaragua R R R R
Niger R R R R
Nigeria R R R R S
North Macedonia
Norway R R R R
Oman R S R
Pakistan R R R R R
Panama R R S
Papua New Guinea R R R
Paraguay R R
Peru R R R R R S
Phillipines S S S R R
Poland R R R R S
Portugal R R R R
Qatar R R R R
Republic of Korea R R R R S
Republic of Moldova
Romania R R R R S S
Russian Federation R R R R
Rwanda S S S S
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines R R R R
San Marino R R
Sao Tome and Principe
Saudi Arabia R R R R withdrew S
Senegal S R
Serbia R R R
Seychelles R R R R
Sierra Leone R S S
Singapore R R R S S
Slovakia R R R R S
Slovenia R R R R S
Solomon Islands
Somolia S S
South Africa R R R R
South Sudan
Spain R R R R S
Sri Lanka R R
Sweden R R R R S
Switzerland R R R R S
Syrian Arab Republic R R R
Thailand R R S
Togo R R
Tonga R R
Trinidad and Tobago S R
Tunisia R R R
Turkiye R R R R R
Uganda R
Ukraine R R R R S
United Arab Emirates R R R R S
United Kingdom R R R R S
United Republic of Tanzania S
United States R R R R S
Uruguay R R R R R S
Uzbekistan R
Venezuela R S R R R
Viet Nam R S
Yemen R S
Zambia R R R
Total R (Ratification) 114 99 98 75 18
Total S (Signature) 22 23 19 3 4 47