Introducing The Cosmic Counsel Podcast On Space Exploration, Law, & Ethics
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Introducing The Cosmic Counsel Podcast On Space Exploration, Law, & Ethics

Introducing The Cosmic Counsel Podcast On Space Exploration, Law, & Ethics

COCO Trailer | Cosmic Counsel

Welcome to the introductory trailer for Cosmic Counsel, a limited-run capsule podcast delving into cutting-edge issues in space law and ethics. Hosted by MC Sungaila and Michelle Hanlon, this series features thought-provoking conversations with leading experts from diverse disciplines. It’s a podcast for those driven by innate curiosity and an open invitation to join the dialogue as humanity embarks on its journey into the cosmos.

Listen to the podcast here

Introducing The Cosmic Counsel Podcast On Space Exploration, Law, & Ethics

COCO Trailer | Cosmic Counsel

Cosmic Counsel: New ideas are formed by interesting juxtapositions.

Welcome to the show, a limited-run capsule show exploring cutting-edge issues in space law and ethics through conversations between leading experts from a diverse array of disciplines. This is a show that celebrates and fosters creativity and cross-pollination of ideas. As author and artist Austin Kleon has observed, creativity is about connections, and connections are not made by siloing everything off into its own space. New ideas are formed by interesting juxtapositions. This is a show for those who apply their innate curiosity to the world, and it’s an invitation to be part of the conversation as humanity expands into the cosmos. We are grateful to NASA for a seed grant to the University of Mississippi Center for Air and Space Law to fund these conversations.

Creativity is about connections.